
15 Sept 2016

Will Harper protect Canadian secrets at "the Donald Trump” of law firms?

Former Conservative Prime Minister  Stephen Harper apparently isn’t satisfied with having destroyed a lot of wonderful and important things in Canada. Now he has signed on with Dentons, the world’s largest elite law firm, to spread his dark viewpoints around the globe.

Dentons proudly announced Monday that Harper – who does not have a legal degree – and his new consulting company will work from its Calgary office.

For Harper, the appointment is his reward from the corporate set for many years of stalwart service. He will now be able to stuff his pockets with greenbacks and 76-cent Canadian dollars.

The recently resigned Calgary MP will no doubt stick a Canadian flag on his suitcase as he peddles his anti-social ideology. Hopefully, this will be Harper’s final insult to our national pride.

Dentons is like an octopus. It has more than 7,200 lawyers in over 50 countries, and seems to be constantly expanding.

In easily translatable jargon, Dentons  said Harper has teamed up with the firm to provide clients with “advice on market access, managing global geopolitical and economic risk, and maximize value in global markets” – i.e. postulating himself based on the credibility he gained during none years as PM.

The Donald Trump of the legal set

“Dentons is the Donald Trump of the legal vertical,” writes legal expert and columnist Mark A. Cohen. “The firm is brash, bigger-than-life, and something entirely different. It receives a disproportionate amount of press because it is always doing something that drops jaws.”

The firm surprised the legal/business world by forming a partnership with a huge Chinese firm closely tied to the Communist Party. They employ more than 6,000 lawyers that are working on hundreds of projects, both inside the country and internationally.

Dentons isn’t fussy about which companies it represents in litigation. It works for Wal-Mart Stores, Monsanto, Citigroup, Duke Energy, Bank of America, Barclay’s Bank, Wells Fargo, and others.

It’s no surprise that Harper will pick up fat pay cheques from Dentons. The firm likes buying former politicians.  Former Liberal PM Jean Chretien and former Manitoba Premier Gary Doer are also on the Dentons payroll, as is former Harper Cabinet Minister James Moore. Last year, Dentons snapped up controversial former U.S. politicians Newt Gingrich.

Harper’s cold personality could damage his one-on-one work for Dentons. The former PM  once famously said: “I can't even get my friends to like me."

Outrageous move by Harper

It is outrageous that a former Prime Minister is able to join a massive, influential international corporation such as Dentons when his seat in Parliament has barely cooled.

Dentons is deeply involved in all kinds of wheeling and dealing at the highest levels around the world. Part of its success is based on collecting inside information on corporations and governments.
There are few legal constraints for Harper in his new job. Canada’s Lobbying Act  prevents Harper from being directly involved in lobbying the Canadian government for five years.

In addition, the Conflict of Interest Act says that “no former public office holder shall give advice to his or her client, business associate or employer using information that was obtained in his or her capacity as a public office holder and is not available to the public.”

Having been Prime Minister for more than nine years, Harper is aware of what is supposed to be confidential information concerning corporations in Canada and what are supposed to be secret arrangements among foreign governments.

Harper will claim he will not reveal privileged information, but there is no way of knowing whether he will break his word. Just imagine – if he was hosted by the King of Saudi Arabia and seeking approval for some energy-related project – would he not be tempted to spill the beans about what he knows about the fossil fuel industry worldwide?

Former PM a valuable asset

Harper will be a medium-sized fish at Dentons, but he can help the firm in countries where he has good relations with government leaders, and on some issues.

Given Harper’s record of spending little money on fighting climate change, he could work with government clients on how to avoid spending millions on carbon reductions and he probably could help corporate clients avoid carbon penalties.

Instead of marketing his skills through Dentons, it would have been more appropriate for Harper to get involved in academia. He would have been welcomed at the University of Calgary, where a group of professors and some students established the influential right-wing “Calgary school.

And Harper doesn’t need the money. Currently 57, he is receiving $127,000 in annual pension payments. When he turns 60, the amount will increase to $134,000 per year. The Canadian Tax Federation says that Harper’s MP pension pay would add up to roughly $5.5 million up to age 90 (factoring in for inflationary increases to the payments).

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  1. People of Harper's ilk are not interested in public service. Rather it is merely a way for them to feather the nests of their corporate friends while in office, then feather their own once they leave.


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  2. And there are people who idolize this sociopath asshole and the Conservative Leader in Ontario who was a back bencher in Harper's Ottawa according to his own statements thinks Harper was a phenomenal Prime Minister.

  3. I thought I saw the last of this man fading into the sunset. But the leopard still has its spots.

  4. I see Harper as the rare type of person who gets inner joy from bringing suffering and hardship to others. It's an odd variety of sadism, as part of the thrill is appearing to be helpful, while the sting continues on. Spreading misery brings him a slow smile.

    1. his way of getting back at all the kids who ran him out of his first attempt at a secondary education.I normally despise bullying, but in Harper's case, being on the receiving end was righteous.Unfortunately, Canada had to endure the brunt of it...

  5. When will the Harper pain end?

  6. Although many countries have "Conflict of Interest" laws demanding a cooling off period before a politician jumps into a potentially conflicting position, it appears this is just another regulation the neo-libcons have decided to ignore.
    This is not to say other parties haven't followed suit, but, it is the neo-libcon ideology that purposely ignores laws they don't like... examples: political think tanks being tax exempt, foreign involvement in elections, illegal electoral practices honed in the US, subverting agencies of government to work for corporate interests, forcing austerity on social programs and increasing citizen's tax burden while allowing the corporate and economic elite a "Free Ride", etc.
    Mr. Harper, who wrote his Masters thesis on Friedrick Von Hayek, whose economic philosophy was created during Hitler's rise to power financed by the corporate and economic elite, sings high praise for Mussolini, Franco, Pinochet and the rise of Adolf.
    What do these dictators, authoritarians, and despots have in common? They all believe people don't matter. Totalitarianism is usually characterized by the coincidence of authoritarianism (where ordinary citizens have less significant share in state decision-making) and ideology (a pervasive scheme of values promulgated by institutional means to direct most if not all aspects of public and of public and private life).
    This is what Mr. Harper believes in and proved so by his actions the way he abused the Canadian government during his tenure.
    He should be tried for TREASON not given the cushy parachute so many of his crony apparatchiks have gotten for doing the bidding of the corporate and economic elite... Traitors All.

  7. And now he's been appointed to the Board of Collier's International Group Inc.


  9. Until someone literally sticks his foot out and puts Harper on his face,
    he and his ilk will continue their unearned, unjust, certainly undeserved elitism and exceptionalism to the detriment of those considered their slaves (the rest of us(we) Canadians).
